I was going to plot the basic histogram before doing anything else. But, decided that wasn’t necessary as it would be drawn and included at least a couple of times in the post.

Mean and Standard Deviation

histogram showing mean and standard deviations

Quartiles and Outliers

histogram showing quartiles and outlier marks

Descriptive Statistics

StatisticColombia, 2011
sample mean30.96
est. mean low28.46
est. mean high33.46
sample variance418.02
sample standard deviation20.45
sheppard corrected variance415.94
sheppard corrected standard deviation20.39
1st quartile14.13
2nd quartile (median)27.93
3rd quartile45.39
low outlier boundary-32.77
upper outlier boundary92.28
moment coefficient of skewness0.56
Pearson’s 2nd coefficient0.44
Bowley’s measure of skewness0.12