Not sure what to do next. Will likely be some repetition, but…


Going to take another look at Age. Start with a histplot (density plot) for Age, with hue for gender.

In [14]:
age_fs = sns.FacetGrid(k_trn, hue="Survived", height=6).map(sns.histplot, "Age", stat="density", kde=True, linewidth=0).add_legend()
seaborn density histplot for Age with hue on gender showing negative ages

See the problem? It took me some time. And, because of the way I set axes limits for the subsequent KDE plot, it didn’t show the problem.

Well it would appear my attempt to impute missing ages generated negative ages for some of the passengers. That really is not a good thing. So, I went back to the post Titanic Dataset: Missing Data, Part 3 and reworked the imputation. Now seems to have no negative ages. Clearing the output on the related notebook and restarting shows the negative ages are now gone. Now back to this post.

seaborn density histplot for Age with hue on gender without any negative ages