I wanted to show family and friends how the differing plot types affect the resulting image. Especially since I have now added a potentially more effective line width cycling plot algorithm. It uses scatter plots rather than line plots. Seems to work reasonably well.

I will display the basic images (i.e. basic spirograph plot, no extras) for a few curves. Then I will not necessarily in any order provide images generated by different plot styles using the same set of curves. You should be able to tell which curve is used, but I didn’t want to make it too easy to do so.

Plain Curve Plots

Type 3, 7 random shapes ['t', 't', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'c'], symmetry: 3 (@ 2 mod 3),
points: 1600
digital spirograph image
Type 3, 3 random shapes ['s', 'e', 'r'], symmetry: 3 (@ 1 mod 3), points: 1200
digital spirograph image
Type 2, 5 circles, symmetry: 2 (@ 1 mod 2), points: 1400
digital spirograph image

Gnarly Type Plots

Type 8, points: 1200, drop: 0
digital spirograph image
Type 8, points: 3000, drop: 3 (front)
digital spirograph image
Type 7, points: 1400, drop: 0
digital spirograph image

Old Style Cycling Line Width

Type 10 (o), points: 1400, drop: 0, extra: true
digital spirograph image
Type 10 (ortho), points: 1200, extra: false
digital spirograph image
Type 10 (z), points: 1400, drop: 0, extra: true
digital spirograph image

New Style Cycling Line Width

Type 16, 1400 points, cycle 280, max marker size: 6440, m1: circle, m2: circle
digital spirograph image
Type 16, 1600 points, cycle: 200, max marker size: 6500, m1: circle, m2: circle
digital spirograph image
Type 15, 1400 points, cycle 233, max marker size: 4408, m1 & m2: circle
digital spirograph image
Type 16, 1600 points, cycle 228, max marker size: 7410, m1: circle, m2: circle
Exact same curve and plot type as one of the others, but change in cycle and
marker size, colourmaps, etc. So everything is slightly different.
digital spirograph image
Type 15, 1400 points, cycle 175, max marker size: 3480, m1 & m2: circle
digital spirograph image
Type 17, 1400 points, cycle 70, max marker size: 10500, m1 & m2: tri-left
digital spirograph image
Type 18, 1600 points, cycle: 80, max marker size: 7480, m1: star, m2: star
digital spirograph image
Type 17, 1400 points, cycle 70, max marker size: 9485, m1 & m2: star
digital spirograph image
Type 18, 1600 points, cycle 80, max marker size: 9480, m1: tri_down, m2: tri_down
digital spirograph image
Type 18, 1400 points, cycle 70, max marker size: 6475, m1: tri_up, m2: tri_up
digital spirograph image
Type 17, 1400 points, cycle 70, max marker size: 9485, m1 & m2: tri-left
Exactly the same as one of the others, plot colour the only difference.
digital spirograph image

Enough Already!

Sorry, I just can’t stop playing with these images, and letting you know about it. That said, I’ll stop for now.

Hope you liked one or two.