With all the playing about over the last while, I decided to take a look at reducing the data used to generate the gnarly style plots. I thought I’d look at a few different reductions/orderings. Including a random version.

New Plot Types

To make my life easier I decided to just create a few new plot types. Each of which selects a different subset of rows from the complete wheel datasets. But I did put them all in a single if block.

    elif do_plt in [22, 23, 24, 25]:
      # 'gnarly' curve, a random shape for each wheel
      # experiment with using subset of wheel data rather than all of it
      # 22: plot subset (n, n-2, n-4, ...)
      # 23: plot subset (n, n-1, n-3, ...)
      # 24: plot subset ([x=0,1,2], x+3, x+6, ...), if enough wheels
      # 25: plot random sized subset, in random order
      if t_su:
        print(f"{do_plt}: {t_su}")

      if t_tl:
        # this needs fixing, t_su or su as one is null, but I seldom print title, so...
        m_ttl = get_plt_ttl(shp=t_su, ld=r_skp, df=drp_f, lw=ln_w)

      # set up data for plot
      p_xs = []
      p_ys = []
      strt = n_whl-1
      if not (t_sv or sv_plot):
        if do_plt == 22:
          rws = list(range(strt, -1, -2))
        elif do_plt == 23:
          rws = list(range(strt-1, -1, -2))
        elif do_plt == 24:
          if n_whl == 3:
            rws = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2], size=2, replace=False)
          elif n_whl <= 5:
            # rws = list(range(2, n_whl, +3))
            s_tmp = list(range(0, n_whl))
            rws = np.random.choice(s_tmp, size=3, replace=False)
            s_tmp = n_whl % 3
            rws = list(range(strt-s_tmp, -1, -3))
        elif do_plt == 25:
          if n_whl == 3:
            n_kp = 2
            n_kp = np.random.randint(2, n_whl)
          r_nx = list(range(0, n_whl))
          rws = np.random.choice(r_nx, size=n_kp, replace=False)

      if strt >= len(r_xs):
        r_xs, r_ys, m_xs, m_ys, m2_xs, m2_ys = get_gnarly_dset(t_xs, t_ys, 0, drp_f, t_sy)

      for rw in rws:
      if p_xs:
        print(f"{do_plt}: rows: {rws}, n_whl: {n_whl}, len r_xs: {len(r_xs)}, len p_xs: {len(p_xs)}")
        ax.plot(p_xs, p_ys, lw=ln_w, alpha=alph)
        ax.plot(m_xs, m_ys, lw=ln_w, alpha=alph)
        ax.plot(m2_xs, m2_ys, lw=ln_w, alpha=alph)

      bax, abg = set_bg(ax, xy_adj=b_adj)


  1. This first example will show the image from my earlier basic gnarly plot type. Then the variations in the above code.

That is a ‘gnarly’ image using a random or user selected shape for all wheels. Wheels: 11 (Circle). 1024 plotting points.

Given we are using the same data for all these images, there is going to be a lot of similarity. Hopefully there will be some meaningful and noticeable differences.

'gnarly' type images
type: 7 (base), cycles: 4, rows plotted: all
'gnarly' type images
type: 22, cycles: 4, rows plotted: [10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0]
'gnarly' type images
type: 23, cycles: 8, rows plotted: [9, 7, 5, 3, 1]
'gnarly' type images
type: 24, cycles: 4, rows plotted: [2, 5, 8]
'gnarly' type images
type: 25, cycles: 16, rows plotted: [5, 6, 3, 7, 10, 0]
'gnarly' type images
type: 25, cycles: 4, rows plotted: [6, 5, 1, 10, 0, 7, 8]
'gnarly' type images
type: 25, cycles: 8, rows plotted: [5, 7, 0, 1, 9]

And, yes they all look very similar. But there are difference, subtle though they may be, between all of them. Sadly, not as much difference as I was hoping for.

  1. This time I am starting with the ‘gnarly’ image using a randomly selected shape for each wheel. Wheels: 12 (’s’, ’s’, ’e’, ’e’, ’s’, ’t’, ‘r’, ‘r’, ’e’, ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘c’). Again 1024 plotting points for each image. And, since the rows dropped for gnarly images is randomly selected, this time for the base plot the first 3 rows of data were not plotted.
'gnarly' type images
type: 8 (base), cycles: 16, rows plotted: last 9 (3-11)
'gnarly' type images
type: 22, cycles: 16, rows plotted: [11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1]
'gnarly' type images
type: 23, cycles: 16, rows plotted: [10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0]
'gnarly' type images
type: 24, cycles: 16, rows plotted: [2, 5, 8, 11]
'gnarly' type images
type: 25, cycles: 8, rows plotted: [10 2 4 5]
'gnarly' type images
type: 25, cycles: 8, rows plotted: [8 0 7]

Again, similar but different. What I noticed most was how the shape in the center of the image kept changing.


Just a variation I thought worth looking at. And, of course, sharing with you. A post short and sweet.

Hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have. But unless some new variation comes to mind soon, this is likely the last post on spirographs.

Keeping coding and having fun doing so.