Okay, an out of sequence post. And nothing to do with blogs, code, git, Python, refactoring, or any related topics.

We finally got around to printing, framing and hanging three, small spirograph images. They got hung on the 23rd, just in time for Christmas. I wanted to share the result with anyone who might care. The photos of the wall and close ups of the framed images aren’t very good. Mini camera, hand held, no flash, fairly dark room. But…

Here’s a shot of all three together.

3 spirograph pictures hanging on wall
Spirograph pictures hanging on the wall

Side by Each

I would know like to show, for all three pictures, a ‘close up’ of the framed image along the original digital image. For now one above the other. I may eventually rework the post to show them side by side.

close up of spirograph picture
Picture 1
original digital image
Plain digital image of spirograph above
close up of spirograph picture
Picture 2
original digital image
Plain digital image of spirograph above
close up of spirograph picture
Picture 3
original digital image
Plain digital image of spirograph above

That’s It

Barbara and I are both rather pleased with these framed images. The first was originally Barbara’s favourite—hence the larger size. The last (The Blues for Me) was my favourite. Barbara is now starting to lean in that direction as well.