Sorry, a lengthy introduction.

Okay, in my usual way I started looking at another book while still working on a couple of others. But there is some motivation for this one. It is Learn Generative AI with PyTorch, by Mark Liu (Manning). Another MEAP.

When I first started this blog, the goal was to learn Python and then tackle machine learning. I sort of got started on the machine learning. But the project I was working on (predicting Titanic survivors, a Kaggle beginner competition) and the complexities it involved sort of killed my motivation. Then I discovered spirographs and a good deal of time—best part of two years—was consumed by them.

But prior to giving up on my initial look at machine learning I had a PC (a.k.a ‘beast’) built with a Nvidia GPU. Nvidia provided an interface, CUDA, specifically designed to speed up machine learning by using its GPUs to do a lot of the arithmetic. It had, for the time, a pretty high end AMD cpu as well. More cores and faster clockrate than the PC I had been using for a the previous few years. Though ‘growl’ isn’t what I would call a slouch. But just after bringing beast home, things sort of went south. And so it sat unused for a couple of years (a true waste of money). Thought it was about time to see what I could do with it.

PyTorch has an implementation for CUDA enabled GPUs (Nvidia). This generally speeds model development up in a noticeable way. Though speed up is a truly relative and personal impression.

I know I just started a series of posts on data analysis projects. The first project completed (more or less) in the last post. And I, in fact, have a series of posts drafted for two more data analysis projects. An additional 16 draft posts. Sadly the fourth project did not particularly interest me. But it sounded like what would be learned completing it would be needed in a subsequent project or three. Left me in a quandry.

A little earlier than the development of that quandry, I discovered the book mentioned above. I started reading it and decided to give it a go. Use the beast for that for which it was intended. I started out by setting up the pc to use PyTorch. A new conda environment. New libraries/packages. Git clones. New Git repo or two. Etc. Most of that is covered in this post. Along with a look at PyTorch’s Tensors.

Then to get a feel for coding models in PyTorch a simple classifier (the next post). Then I move on to GANs and DCGANs. In total I have completed 3 or 4 projects. And have beyond this post and additional 10 draft posts.

My apologies for any confusion this change of directions may cause. I sincerely hope to complete the remaining data analysis projects; but, at the moment, generative AI seems a touch more interesting and satisfying.


Okay, I know my GPUs are CUDA enabled. You may not. But, if you have a Nvidia GPU, start up the terminal and enter nvidia-snu. In my case I got the following. Note, I deleted information regarding the GPU and the section at the bottom listing processes using the GPU.

PS F:\learn\data_analysis> nvidia-smi
Fri Mar 15 08:09:24 2024
| NVIDIA-SMI 536.23                 Driver Version: 536.23       CUDA Version: 12.2     |
| GPU  Name                     TCC/WDDM  | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp   Perf          Pwr:Usage/Cap |         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|              ... ...                    |     ... ...          |     ... ...          |

If you got an error message, your GPU is not an Nvidia CUDA enabled GPU. Though I recently saw something indicating that AMD may be adding CUDA capabilities to its GPUs. Otherwise, make note of your CUDA version (upper right of the framed output).

The next step is to go the Pytorch getting started site. There you will find an interactive form something like the following.

screenshot of Pytorch form to generate installation command

I am installing on Windows in a conda Python environment. Since CUDA 12.2 is not available I went with 12.1. As shown I need to use the command conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia to install pytorch (and a couple other modules I will supposedly be using) in my environment.

Let’s give it a go. First I will create a working directory for this book. Then clone the environment I am using for the data analysis coding. Activate the new environment and install Pytorch. Let’s not forget a git init.

PS F:\learn\data_analysis> Set-Location -Path ..\
PS F:\learn> New-Item -Name mcl_pytorch -ItemType Directory

    Directory: F:\learn

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        2024-03-15   4:27 PM                mcl_pytorch

PS F:\learn> Set-Location -Path .\mcl_pytorch
PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch>

Okay, now I am going to open a conda terminal (should have done that from the start). And clone a new environment. Then install PyTorch. Always amazes me how much needs to be downloaded and the time it takes, glad I wasn’t doing this on my other dev system (a.k.a. growl). Going to show all the terminal output just cuz.

(base) PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-Location -Path f:\learn\mcl_pytorch
(base) PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch> conda create --name mclp-3.12 --clone data-3.12
Source:      E:\appDev\Miniconda3\envs\data-3.12
Destination: E:\appDev\Miniconda3\envs\mclp-3.12
Packages: 105
Files: 0
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate mclp-3.12
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

(base) PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch> conda activate mclp-3.12
(mclp-3.12) PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch> conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 4.11.0
  latest version: 24.1.2

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base -c defaults conda

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: E:\appDev\Miniconda3\envs\mclp-3.12

  added / updated specs:
    - pytorch
    - pytorch-cuda=12.1
    - torchaudio
    - torchvision

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    certifi-2024.2.2           |  py312haa95532_0         161 KB
    cuda-cccl-12.4.99          |                0         1.4 MB  nvidia
    cuda-cudart-12.1.105       |                0         964 KB  nvidia
    cuda-cudart-dev-12.1.105   |                0         549 KB  nvidia
    cuda-cupti-12.1.105        |                0        11.6 MB  nvidia
    cuda-libraries-12.1.0      |                0           1 KB  nvidia
    cuda-libraries-dev-12.1.0  |                0           1 KB  nvidia
    cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105        |                0        73.2 MB  nvidia
    cuda-nvrtc-dev-12.1.105    |                0        16.5 MB  nvidia
    cuda-nvtx-12.1.105         |                0          41 KB  nvidia
    cuda-opencl-12.4.99        |                0          11 KB  nvidia
    cuda-opencl-dev-12.4.99    |                0          75 KB  nvidia
    cuda-profiler-api-12.4.99  |                0          19 KB  nvidia
    cuda-runtime-12.1.0        |                0           1 KB  nvidia
    filelock-3.13.1            |  py312haa95532_0          23 KB
    idna-3.4                   |  py312haa95532_0          94 KB
    jinja2-3.1.3               |  py312haa95532_0         332 KB
    libcublas-        |                0          39 KB  nvidia
    libcublas-dev-    |                0       348.3 MB  nvidia
    libcufft-          |                0           6 KB  nvidia
    libcufft-dev-      |                0       102.6 MB  nvidia
    libcurand-       |                0           4 KB  nvidia
    libcurand-dev-   |                0        49.8 MB  nvidia
    libcusolver-      |                0          30 KB  nvidia
    libcusolver-dev-  |                0        95.7 MB  nvidia
    libcusparse-      |                0          12 KB  nvidia
    libcusparse-dev-  |                0       162.5 MB  nvidia
    libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0        |       h196d8e1_0         618 KB
    libnpp-           |                0         305 KB  nvidia
    libnpp-dev-       |                0       135.6 MB  nvidia
    libnvjitlink-12.1.105      |                0        67.3 MB  nvidia
    libnvjitlink-dev-12.1.105  |                0        13.8 MB  nvidia
    libnvjpeg-        |                0           5 KB  nvidia
    libnvjpeg-dev-    |                0         2.4 MB  nvidia
    libuv-1.44.2               |       h2bbff1b_0         288 KB
    markupsafe-2.1.3           |  py312h2bbff1b_0          27 KB
    mpmath-1.3.0               |  py312haa95532_0         989 KB
    networkx-3.1               |  py312haa95532_0         2.9 MB
    pytorch-2.2.1              |py3.12_cuda12.1_cudnn8_0        1.24 GB  pytorch
    pytorch-cuda-12.1          |       hde6ce7c_5           4 KB  pytorch
    pytorch-mutex-1.0          |             cuda           3 KB  pytorch
    pyyaml-6.0.1               |  py312h2bbff1b_0         162 KB
    requests-2.31.0            |  py312haa95532_1         122 KB
    sympy-1.12                 |  py312haa95532_0        14.0 MB
    torchaudio-2.2.1           |      py312_cu121         7.2 MB  pytorch
    torchvision-0.17.1         |      py312_cu121         7.8 MB  pytorch
    typing_extensions-4.9.0    |  py312haa95532_1          71 KB
    urllib3-2.1.0              |  py312haa95532_0         185 KB
                                           Total:        2.33 GB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  certifi            pkgs/main/win-64::certifi-2024.2.2-py312haa95532_0
  charset-normalizer pkgs/main/noarch::charset-normalizer-2.0.4-pyhd3eb1b0_0
  cuda-cccl          nvidia/win-64::cuda-cccl-12.4.99-0
  cuda-cudart        nvidia/win-64::cuda-cudart-12.1.105-0
  cuda-cudart-dev    nvidia/win-64::cuda-cudart-dev-12.1.105-0
  cuda-cupti         nvidia/win-64::cuda-cupti-12.1.105-0
  cuda-libraries     nvidia/win-64::cuda-libraries-12.1.0-0
  cuda-libraries-dev nvidia/win-64::cuda-libraries-dev-12.1.0-0
  cuda-nvrtc         nvidia/win-64::cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105-0
  cuda-nvrtc-dev     nvidia/win-64::cuda-nvrtc-dev-12.1.105-0
  cuda-nvtx          nvidia/win-64::cuda-nvtx-12.1.105-0
  cuda-opencl        nvidia/win-64::cuda-opencl-12.4.99-0
  cuda-opencl-dev    nvidia/win-64::cuda-opencl-dev-12.4.99-0
  cuda-profiler-api  nvidia/win-64::cuda-profiler-api-12.4.99-0
  cuda-runtime       nvidia/win-64::cuda-runtime-12.1.0-0
  filelock           pkgs/main/win-64::filelock-3.13.1-py312haa95532_0
  idna               pkgs/main/win-64::idna-3.4-py312haa95532_0
  jinja2             pkgs/main/win-64::jinja2-3.1.3-py312haa95532_0
  libcublas          nvidia/win-64::libcublas-
  libcublas-dev      nvidia/win-64::libcublas-dev-
  libcufft           nvidia/win-64::libcufft-
  libcufft-dev       nvidia/win-64::libcufft-dev-
  libcurand          nvidia/win-64::libcurand-
  libcurand-dev      nvidia/win-64::libcurand-dev-
  libcusolver        nvidia/win-64::libcusolver-
  libcusolver-dev    nvidia/win-64::libcusolver-dev-
  libcusparse        nvidia/win-64::libcusparse-
  libcusparse-dev    nvidia/win-64::libcusparse-dev-
  libjpeg-turbo      pkgs/main/win-64::libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0-h196d8e1_0
  libnpp             nvidia/win-64::libnpp-
  libnpp-dev         nvidia/win-64::libnpp-dev-
  libnvjitlink       nvidia/win-64::libnvjitlink-12.1.105-0
  libnvjitlink-dev   nvidia/win-64::libnvjitlink-dev-12.1.105-0
  libnvjpeg          nvidia/win-64::libnvjpeg-
  libnvjpeg-dev      nvidia/win-64::libnvjpeg-dev-
  libuv              pkgs/main/win-64::libuv-1.44.2-h2bbff1b_0
  markupsafe         pkgs/main/win-64::markupsafe-2.1.3-py312h2bbff1b_0
  mpmath             pkgs/main/win-64::mpmath-1.3.0-py312haa95532_0
  networkx           pkgs/main/win-64::networkx-3.1-py312haa95532_0
  pytorch            pytorch/win-64::pytorch-2.2.1-py3.12_cuda12.1_cudnn8_0
  pytorch-cuda       pytorch/win-64::pytorch-cuda-12.1-hde6ce7c_5
  pytorch-mutex      pytorch/noarch::pytorch-mutex-1.0-cuda
  pyyaml             pkgs/main/win-64::pyyaml-6.0.1-py312h2bbff1b_0
  requests           pkgs/main/win-64::requests-2.31.0-py312haa95532_1
  sympy              pkgs/main/win-64::sympy-1.12-py312haa95532_0
  torchaudio         pytorch/win-64::torchaudio-2.2.1-py312_cu121
  torchvision        pytorch/win-64::torchvision-0.17.1-py312_cu121
  typing_extensions  pkgs/main/win-64::typing_extensions-4.9.0-py312haa95532_1
  urllib3            pkgs/main/win-64::urllib3-2.1.0-py312haa95532_0
  yaml               pkgs/main/win-64::yaml-0.2.5-he774522_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
libnvjitlink-12.1.10 | 67.3 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcublas-  | 39 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
mpmath-1.3.0         | 989 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
pyyaml-6.0.1         | 162 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcublas-dev-12.1.0 | 348.3 MB  | ########################################################################### | 100%
libnpp-     | 305 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
sympy-1.12           | 14.0 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-nvrtc-12.1.105  | 73.2 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-nvtx-12.1.105   | 41 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-cudart-dev-12.1 | 549 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
libnvjitlink-dev-12. | 13.8 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
jinja2-3.1.3         | 332 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
idna-3.4             | 94 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
markupsafe-2.1.3     | 27 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-cudart-12.1.105 | 964 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
pytorch-2.2.1        | 1.24 GB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcusparse- | 12 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
urllib3-2.1.0        | 185 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcurand-dev-10.3.5 | 49.8 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
filelock-3.13.1      | 23 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcusolver- | 30 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
libnpp-dev- | 135.6 MB  | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-opencl-12.4.99  | 11 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcusparse-dev-12.0 | 162.5 MB  | ########################################################################### | 100%
libnvjpeg-dev-12.1.1 | 2.4 MB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
torchaudio-2.2.1     | 7.2 MB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
torchvision-0.17.1   | 7.8 MB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-cupti-12.1.105  | 11.6 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
requests-2.31.0      | 122 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcufft-    | 6 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-cccl-12.4.99    | 1.4 MB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-opencl-dev-12.4 | 75 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-profiler-api-12 | 19 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-runtime-12.1.0  | 1 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
libjpeg-turbo-2.0.0  | 618 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
networkx-3.1         | 2.9 MB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-nvrtc-dev-12.1. | 16.5 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
typing_extensions-4. | 71 KB     | ########################################################################### | 100%
pytorch-mutex-1.0    | 3 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcusolver-dev-11.4 | 95.7 MB   | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-libraries-dev-1 | 1 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
libuv-1.44.2         | 288 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcurand- | 4 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
certifi-2024.2.2     | 161 KB    | ########################################################################### | 100%
cuda-libraries-12.1. | 1 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
pytorch-cuda-12.1    | 4 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
libnvjpeg-  | 5 KB      | ########################################################################### | 100%
libcufft-dev-11.0.2. | 102.6 MB  | ########################################################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done

Okay, now we need to check we have a working PyTorch module.

import torch, torchvision, torchaudio

print(f"torch ver: {torch.__version__}")
print(f"torchvision ver: {torchvision.__version__}")
print(f"torchaudio ver: {torchaudio.__version__}")
print(f"cuda: {torch.cuda.is_available()}")
(mclp-3.12) PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch\rek_test> python
torch ver: 2.2.1
torchvision ver: 0.17.1
torchaudio ver: 2.2.1
cuda: True

Some Playing Around: Tensors

PyTorch uses algebraic structures called tensors as its primary data structure. They are functionally similar to Numpy arrays; but, with a few differences. The key one in this case is GPU accelerated training. Each tensor can only contain elements of a single data type. Which data type to use is something that I will hopefully learn along the way.

Now, given tensors are fundamentally arrays, I think we will find that basic indexing, slicing and manipulation will be similar to other packages, e.g. Python, Numpy and perhaps pandas.

I am going to load a CSV file of Canadian Prime Ministers total time in office (created manually from data on the web). Do some conversion/sorting and then create a tensor using the total days in office series from the pandas dataframe. Given a tensor can only contain elements of one type, don’t don’t believe I could have done the conversion from string of information into number of days using PyTorch tensor methods. So did that in pandas.

Similarly because the tensor can only contain a single data type there is no way for me to add the PM’s names to the tensor. But again that’s not what tensors are for. That’s what pandas is for.

# rek, 2024.03.16, try some tensor arithmetic

# my usual imports
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch

# load CSV File of total time in office by Prime Minister
fl_pm_tio = Path("cdn_pm_time.csv")
pm_tio = pd.read_csv(fl_pm_tio, sep=",", header=0)
# sort into historical order
pm_tio = pm_tio.sort_values(by="First day", axis=0, ignore_index=True)

# need to do some data manipulation before converting to tensor
# i.e. turn string like "18 years, 359 days" into total number of days
def get_days(yr_dy):
  if "," in yr_dy:
    yrs, _, dys, _ = yr_dy.split(" ")
    return int(yrs) * 365 + int(dys)
    dys, _ = yr_dy.split(" ")
    return int(dys)

pm_tio["days"] = pm_tio["Total time in office"].apply(get_days)
print("\n", pm_tio)

pm_tensor = torch.tensor(pm_tio.days, dtype=torch.float64)
# could also use: pm_tensor = FloatTensor(pm_tio.days)
print("\n", pm_tensor)
(mclp-3.12) PS F:\learn\mcl_pytorch\rek_test> python

                  Prime Minister Total time in office   First day  days
0         Sir John A. Macdonald   18 years, 359 days  1867-07-01  6929
1           Alexander Mackenzie    4 years, 336 days  1873-11-07  1796
2               Sir John Abbott     1 year, 161 days  1891-06-16   526
3             Sir John Thompson      2 years, 7 days  1892-12-05   737
4          Sir Mackenzie Bowell     1 year, 128 days  1894-12-21   493
5            Sir Charles Tupper              68 days  1896-05-01    68
6           Sir Wilfrid Laurier    15 years, 86 days  1896-07-11  5561
7             Sir Robert Borden    8 years, 274 days  1911-10-10  3194
8                Arthur Meighen     1 year, 260 days  1920-07-10   625
9   William Lyon Mackenzie King   21 years, 154 days  1921-12-29  7819
10                R. B. Bennett     5 years, 77 days  1930-08-07  1902
11            Louis St. Laurent    8 years, 218 days  1948-11-15  3138
12             John Diefenbaker    5 years, 305 days  1957-06-21  2130
13            Lester B. Pearson    4 years, 363 days  1963-04-22  1823
14               Pierre Trudeau   15 years, 164 days  1968-04-20  5639
15                    Joe Clark             273 days  1979-06-04   273
16                  John Turner              79 days  1984-06-30    79
17               Brian Mulroney    8 years, 281 days  1984-09-17  3201
18                 Kim Campbell             132 days  1993-06-25   132
19                Jean Chrétien    10 years, 38 days  1993-11-04  3688
20                  Paul Martin     2 years, 56 days  2003-12-12   786
21               Stephen Harper    9 years, 271 days  2006-02-06  3556
22               Justin Trudeau    8 years, 133 days  2015-11-04  3053

 tensor([6929., 1796.,  526.,  737.,  493.,   68., 5561., 3194.,  625., 7819.,
        1902., 3138., 2130., 1823., 5639.,  273.,   79., 3201.,  132., 3688.,
         786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64)

Let’s do some indexing and slicing.

One Dimensional Tensor

Tensors are not limited to one dimension but for now let’s use that one-dimensional tensor we just created.

To get Sir John A. Macdonald’s days in office we would use pm_tensor[0]. To get that value for Jean Chrétien we could use pm_tensor[19] or pm_tensor[-4]. I’m sure we’ve all seen this kind of thing before. Let’s have a look.

print("\n", pm_tensor[0]")
print("\n", pm_tensor[19], "=?", pm_tensor[-4])
 tensor(6929., dtype=torch.float64)

 tensor(3688., dtype=torch.float64) =? tensor(3688., dtype=torch.float64)

And if I use f-strings the output changes somewhat.

print(f"\n{pm_tensor[19]} =? {pm_tensor[-4]}")

3688.0 =? 3688.0

Let’s get the value for the 5th-9th Prime Ministers inclusive. And for the last 5.

pm_len = pm_tensor.shape[0]
tensor([ 493.,   68., 5561., 3194.], dtype=torch.float64)

tensor([ 132., 3688.,  786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64)


tensor([ 132., 3688.,  786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64)

Two Dimensional Tensor

Let’s add another dimension to our tensor. We’ll convert days to weeks and add that as our second dimension.

A bit of fooling around; take note of the comments. Note: I should likely have used stack to join the two tensors. Might have eliminated the reshape.

# let's add another dimension
# total weeks in office
pm_wks = pm_tensor / 7

# then concatenate the two tensors, similar to pandas concat
# we can't at this point contact a second dimension as it doesn't exist
# so we concat on the existing dimension and reshape the result
pm_2_tms =, pm_wks), dim=0)
print(f"\nconcatenated tensor: {pm_2_tms.shape}")
pm_2_reshp = pm_2_tms.reshape(2, pm_len)
tensor([ 989.8571,  256.5714,   75.1429,  105.2857,   70.4286,    9.7143,
         794.4286,  456.2857,   89.2857, 1117.0000,  271.7143,  448.2857,
         304.2857,  260.4286,  805.5714,   39.0000,   11.2857,  457.2857,
          18.8571,  526.8571,  112.2857,  508.0000,  436.1429],

concatenated tensor: torch.Size([46])

torch.Size([2, 23])
tensor([[6929.0000, 1796.0000,  526.0000,  737.0000,  493.0000,   68.0000,
         5561.0000, 3194.0000,  625.0000, 7819.0000, 1902.0000, 3138.0000,
         2130.0000, 1823.0000, 5639.0000,  273.0000,   79.0000, 3201.0000,
          132.0000, 3688.0000,  786.0000, 3556.0000, 3053.0000],
        [ 989.8571,  256.5714,   75.1429,  105.2857,   70.4286,    9.7143,
          794.4286,  456.2857,   89.2857, 1117.0000,  271.7143,  448.2857,
          304.2857,  260.4286,  805.5714,   39.0000,   11.2857,  457.2857,
           18.8571,  526.8571,  112.2857,  508.0000,  436.1429]],

And now let’s look at indexing and slicing a 2-D tensor. Do note the order of the dimensions.

Let’s get:

  • the weekly value for Wilfred Laurier (index 6)
  • the daily value for Stephen Harper (penultimate value).
  • number of days for most recent 5 PMs
  • days and weeks for first 5 PMs
# weekly value for Wilfred Laurier (index 6) + daily value for Stephen Harper (penultimate value)
# + weeks value for last 5 + both values first 5
print(f"\nLaurier weeks: {pm_2_reshp[1, 6]}")
print(f"\nHarper days: {pm_2_reshp[0, -2]}")
print(f"\nDays most recent 5: {pm_2_reshp[0, -5:]}")
print(f"\nFirst 5 (days and weeks):\n{pm_2_reshp[:, :5]}")
Laurier weeks: 794.4285714285714

Harper days: 3556.0

Days most recent 5: tensor([ 132., 3688.,  786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64)

First 5 (days and weeks):
tensor([[6929.0000, 1796.0000,  526.0000,  737.0000,  493.0000],
        [ 989.8571,  256.5714,   75.1429,  105.2857,   70.4286]],

Join Along Other Dimension

Let’s try getting our concatenated tensor to have the shape [23, 2] instead of [2, 23] as above.

I couldn’t get cat(..., dim=1) to work. But stack(..., dim=1) worked just fine. I eventually found a way swap the dimensions for pm_2_reshp using movedim.

# let's try reshaping the other way
pm_2_reshp2 = torch.stack((pm_tensor, pm_wks), dim=1)

pm_2_reshp3 = pm_2_reshp.movedim(0, -1)

# weekly value for Wilfred Laurier (index 6) + daily value for Stephen Harper (penultimate value)
# + weeks value for last 5 + both values first 5
print(f"\nLaurier weeks: {pm_2_reshp2[6, 1]}, {pm_2_reshp3[6, 1]}")
print(f"\nHarper days: {pm_2_reshp2[-2, 0]}, {pm_2_reshp3[-2, 0]}")
print(f"\nDays most recent 5: {pm_2_reshp2[-5:, 0]},\n{" "*20}{pm_2_reshp3[-5:, 0]}")
print(f"\nFirst 5 (days and weeks):\n{pm_2_reshp2[:5, :]}\n{pm_2_reshp3[:5, :]}")
torch.Size([23, 2])
tensor([[6929.0000,  989.8571],
        [1796.0000,  256.5714],
        [ 526.0000,   75.1429],
        [ 737.0000,  105.2857],
        [ 493.0000,   70.4286],
        [  68.0000,    9.7143],
        [5561.0000,  794.4286],
        [3194.0000,  456.2857],
        [ 625.0000,   89.2857],
        [7819.0000, 1117.0000],
        [1902.0000,  271.7143],
        [3138.0000,  448.2857],
        [2130.0000,  304.2857],
        [1823.0000,  260.4286],
        [5639.0000,  805.5714],
        [ 273.0000,   39.0000],
        [  79.0000,   11.2857],
        [3201.0000,  457.2857],
        [ 132.0000,   18.8571],
        [3688.0000,  526.8571],
        [ 786.0000,  112.2857],
        [3556.0000,  508.0000],
        [3053.0000,  436.1429]], dtype=torch.float64)

torch.Size([23, 2])
tensor([[6929.0000,  989.8571],
        [1796.0000,  256.5714],
        [ 526.0000,   75.1429],
        [ 737.0000,  105.2857],
        [ 493.0000,   70.4286],
        [  68.0000,    9.7143],
        [5561.0000,  794.4286],
        [3194.0000,  456.2857],
        [ 625.0000,   89.2857],
        [7819.0000, 1117.0000],
        [1902.0000,  271.7143],
        [3138.0000,  448.2857],
        [2130.0000,  304.2857],
        [1823.0000,  260.4286],
        [5639.0000,  805.5714],
        [ 273.0000,   39.0000],
        [  79.0000,   11.2857],
        [3201.0000,  457.2857],
        [ 132.0000,   18.8571],
        [3688.0000,  526.8571],
        [ 786.0000,  112.2857],
        [3556.0000,  508.0000],
        [3053.0000,  436.1429]], dtype=torch.float64)

Laurier weeks: 794.4285714285714, 794.4285714285714

Harper days: 3556.0, 3556.0

Days most recent 5: tensor([ 132., 3688.,  786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64),
                    tensor([ 132., 3688.,  786., 3556., 3053.], dtype=torch.float64)

First 5 (days and weeks):
tensor([[6929.0000,  989.8571],
        [1796.0000,  256.5714],
        [ 526.0000,   75.1429],
        [ 737.0000,  105.2857],
        [ 493.0000,   70.4286]], dtype=torch.float64)
tensor([[6929.0000,  989.8571],
        [1796.0000,  256.5714],
        [ 526.0000,   75.1429],
        [ 737.0000,  105.2857],
        [ 493.0000,   70.4286]], dtype=torch.float64)

A bit more before I call this post done.

Mathematical Operations on Tensors

Pretty sure PyTorch must provide common numerical operators for use on tensors. Things like median, min, max, etc. Let’s give it a go.

# let's apply some numerical functions to a couple of these tensors
# will use 2-D tensors in both shapes for each calculation
val1, ind1 = torch.median(pm_2_reshp, dim=1)
val2, ind2 = torch.median(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0)
print(f"\nmedian: {val1}")
print(f"{" "*8}{val2}")
val1, ind1 = torch.max(pm_2_reshp, dim=1)
val2, ind2 = torch.max(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0)
print(f"\nmax: {val1}")
print(f"{" "*5}{val2}")
# these gave the same value for both shapes ????
# val1, ind1 = torch.mean(pm_2_reshp, dim=1)
# val2, ind2 = torch.mean(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0)
# the following do not
val1 = torch.mean(pm_2_reshp, dim=1, keepdim=True)
val2 = torch.mean(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0, keepdim=True)
print(f"\nmean: {val1}")
print(f"{" "*6}{val2}")
# val1, ind1 = torch.std(pm_2_reshp, dim=1)
# val2, ind2 = torch.std(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0)
val1 = torch.std(pm_2_reshp, dim=1, keepdim=True)
val2 = torch.std(pm_2_reshp3, dim=0, keepdim=True)
print(f"\nstd: {val1}")
print(f"{" "*5}{val2}")
median: tensor([1902.0000,  271.7143], dtype=torch.float64)
        tensor([1902.0000,  271.7143], dtype=torch.float64)

max: tensor([7819., 1117.], dtype=torch.float64)
     tensor([7819., 1117.], dtype=torch.float64)

mean: tensor([[2484.6957], [ 354.9565]], dtype=torch.float64)
      tensor([[2484.6957,  354.9565]], dtype=torch.float64)

std: tensor([[2262.4947], [ 323.2135]], dtype=torch.float64)
     tensor([[2262.4947,  323.2135]], dtype=torch.float64)


M’thinks this post is probably longer than a post should be.

So until next time, enjoy your time experimenting with new libraries and frameworks.
