Too Old To Code?

I was 67 and wanted to learn how to program. You?

  1. (Play) Spirograph XIX: 3D? Part II

  2. (Play) Spirograph XVIII: 3D?

  3. (Play) Spirograph XIV: Code - Same Curve, Different Plots

  4. (Play) Spirograph XIII: Code - Multiple Wheel Shapes II

  5. (Play) Spirograph XII: Code - Multiple Wheel Shapes I

  6. (Play) Spirograph XII: Rotating Diamonds and Such

  7. (Play) Spirograph XI: Rotating Triangles and Such

  8. (Play) Spirograph XI: Triograph Code I

  9. (Play) Spirograph X: Rotating Rectangles

  10. (Play) Spirograph X: Squarograph Code I